7 Powerful Things to Say to a Loved One
Our tongues are weapons of mass destruction. They dissolve marriages, friendships, churches and businesses. Reputations and our hopes can be dashed from the power that comes from a simple utterance. We're instructed by the Bible that the world is full of death and entropy since we're under the power of the evil one. However, engaging in this darkness can be combatted by speaking life into the environment. Since we speak an average of 20,000 words per day, and 860.3 million words over our lifetime we can have an influence in our lives. Whether we use them for good or for evil is another matter. James 3:5-6 tells us, "Though the tongue is a small part of the body, it boasts great things. And the tongue is a fire." God has relegated us with the responsibility when it comes to the words we use and He keeps a record of every careless statement we may deliver. When we use positive words and act with kindness towards people, we cancel out the negativity. Inste...