Sonia Ogbonna Has A Word For Women Desperate For Husband

Actor, Ik Ogbonna’s wife, Sonia took to her Instagram page to dish out this interesting advice to ladies who put in a lot of energy just to find a husband. She wrote: The biggest mistake a woman can do is dedicating her entire existence into “finding a husband”. My sister,if your every outing is about desperate “husband hunting” – you need to stop. Redirect ALL THAT energy into working on yourself instead,challenge your capacities,extend your ambitions,work on achieving your goals – invest into becoming the best possible version of yourself ,into becoming a FULFILLED woman who is proud of herself. In love with herself. Find yourself first. And then HE will find YOU.. As A QUEEN that you are! I promise you. It’s on him to recognize his own rib that is missing after all, #soniaOgbonna”