
Showing posts from March 19, 2017

Gabymarine: Writer’s Block or Perfectionism? How to Figure It ...

Gabymarine: Writer’s Block or Perfectionism? How to Figure It ... : Her eyes crossed as she stared at the words she’d written. As they blurred and came back into focus, they looked different. A minute ag...

Writer’s Block or Perfectionism? How to Figure It Out and Fix It

Her eyes crossed as she stared at the words she’d written. As they blurred and came back into focus, they looked different. A minute ago they flowed so smoothly, but now they seem ugly and awkward. Highlight, delete. Highlight, delete. She wondered why the blank page had become such a familiar sight — why   writer’s block   always followed close on the heels of each new inspiration. She was swimming in unfinished drafts, and a few finished ones that just weren’t good enough to ship. In fact, my writing was rarely good enough to leave the safety of a Word document. It’s that cursed, chronic writer’s block! Holding me back from creating the work I constantly daydreamed about, the work that was refined, brilliant. The work that was…. perfect. It’s not just for neat freaks The word   perfectionist   easily conjures images of someone using Q-tips to dust tiny nooks and crannies, meticulously lining up their pencils in a perfectly straight row or feverishly hammering away at