Overcoming life’s trials wisely
Trials, afflictions, and tests are some of the various words used to describe an unexpected or unplanned calamity that befalls someone at one point of their lives or another. It could come early or late in life. It comes either directly or indirectly, while some people consider only evil, contrary events to be tests, Islam categorically states that it could even come in form of something longed for, awaited for or even ardently desired. Some people believe it is a repercussion for evil deeds in the past. If it is sin, everybody has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Whatever opinion you may hold about trials and their definition, the fact is that they usually happen without your effort just to make or mar you. While some religious scholars see trials as a test for promotion for the most righteous among people, others maintain that they are a wakeful call for those derailing from the path of righteousness so that they can test the result of their past e...