Anxiety and Overthinking

Naturally, Overthinking is the art of creating problems that doesn't exist. Nigerians are fond of stressing their brains on irrelevant issues that only brings pains and depression on their well-being. Overthinking Disorder is the anxiety and overthinking everything, research has made us to understand that one of the horrible hallmarks of any form of anxiety disorder is the tendency to overthink everything. The human brain is anxious and hypervigilant, always on the look out for anything it percieves to be dangerous or worrisome. I have been accused of making problems , where in reality there are actually no problems.To me though, there are indeed problems. Why? Because anxiety causes me to overthink everything in many different ways and the results of this overthinking isn't helpful at all.Fortunately, anxiety and ovethinking don't have to be a permanent part of over existence. WAYS ANXIETY CAUSES OVERTHINKING An effect of any form of anxiety is overthinking everyth...