7 signs a guy likes you

Men can be incredibly confusing. But the in thing is that they can also be pretty direct and they do not hide their feelings.Just as you get nervous to admit when you are crushing on someone, men do get nervous too.Here are nine signs a guy is really into you, like we say in Warri "He like ur style" but has not found a way to verbalize it yet 1. HE IS NOT AFRAID TO DOUBLE TEXT In the beginining of any romantic relationship, texting twice in a role is terrifying for both parties. You do not want to come strong. You low-key on the frequencies of your texting. Howver, when a guy is really into a you, he ditches his self-conciousness about double-texting and honestly thank God. Text and flirt to your heart content. 2. HE IS DOWN TO SLEEP OVER AT YOUR PLACE In the early stages of a relationship, sleeping in your own comfy bed overrides sleeping in their place. No matter how cozy your situation is. When a guy asks if he can stay the night, the whole ni...