7 Surprising Indications Your Relationship is in Trouble

Everything was perfect between you after you were tied in the knot. In fact years after your wedding, you were enjoying each other’s company and exchanging sweet nothings. You had every reason, then, to believe that your dream marriage is going to last forever.
But here is a twist waiting for you…
You both have suddenly started bickering over petty issues and a feeling of niggling between you two is growing at an alarming rate. The innocuous arguments that kept your love like an eternal burning flame till now, have turned into bouts of intermittent altercations. There was a time when you used to fall head over heels for each other, now you are finding it difficult even to get along.
Is this what is mirroring your own life now a days? Are you experiencing a similar change of emotion and attitude for your partner? Well, I would suggest you keep reading the article, for you might find something constructive in the end to save your relationship.
Ups and downs are common in any relationship and the testing times like these give couples an opportunity to grow stronger. But it doesn’t necessarily happen all the time and therefore, one has to address the nagging doubts and if possible, nip the issues in the bud. In the United States alone about 40 to 50% of married couples file for divorce every year. Many couples are parting their ways in courts by hiring lawyers such as family law attorney and starting a new life.
Here are seven surprising doubts that give you clear indications that your relationship is in danger.

The first casualty of any troubled relationship is the breakdown of communication. The breaking down of communication doesn’t necessarily mean you have completely stopped talking. It essentially means the nature of your communication has altered considerably. That is, now you are just speaking with each other perfunctorily not connecting to each other heart to heart. So, it is indeed a bad sign when speaking to each other seems superficial. If the nature of your communication persists in this manner, it creates a distance and disconnection in your marriage. As a result, it makes you feel lesser affection and fondness for your spouse. When communications get hampered in this fashion then the things that otherwise appear easy to talk about, start giving uncomfortable feeling now. If you are caught up in a similar situation, just give your relationship the topmost priority rather than kicking the can down the road.

Trust is perhaps the most important element of a relationship. If you are even remotely observing the trust between you to be wearing away, mark my words – your relationship is going to hit a rock sooner or later. In general, the common worry associated with the lack of trust is that one partner thinks the other one might be having an affair. This is a precarious situation that often leads to a lot of suspicion, which in turn results in all kinds of accusations being thrown around. Most probably, such a situation will add another layer of difficulty in your relationship because you or your spouse will start fielding questions about something that may not be happening at all.

Disagreement over many issues is a common practice because that’s what individual opinions are all about and your marriage or relationship is no exception. But when the ego takes over and thereafter arguments ensue even on pettiest of issues; then read the warning signals and clear writing on the wall. It will then be just a matter of time when your arguments will turn into slinging match, name calling, or even cross all the lines of respectful disagreements. If you let your arguments seriously escalate like this and blame excessively one another, you might end up committing irreversible damage to your relationship.

There were days when you were called Mr. or Ms. Romantic but now something is wrong, and you are wondering where all the fun has been vanished. You loved to give and get surprises every now and then, you were dying to go for vacations, enjoying sex and you both were busy creating memories for your lifetime. But the same excitement ceases to exist now. It is even practically impossible for you to go on a date. However, there is a silver lining in every cloud. If you are convinced it’s the lack of fun and excitement that is ruining your relationship, make sure to double it up now. Leave no stone unturned to make your partner laugh and happy. It will get over soon.

A healthy relationship is one in which both partners are heard and understood in equal measures. In some relationships the balance of attention may be stewed where one partner gets most of attention, while the other is less noticed. It often comes in a subtle manner, but it’s damn deadly when it comes to long-term relationships. So when your relationship has reached to a point that you have declared yourself being more important than anyone else, it’s not good for you. Therefore, you need to come out of it as soon as possible.

Another important indicator of troubled relationship is passivity, which is typically rooted in insecurity. Although it is not unusual in a relationship when partners feel a lack of desire for one another, but if your insecurity manifests in lack of goals, motivation and care for each other, then something is not right. If the situation persists like this, it will result into lack of physical attraction and emotional affection. Finally in the long run couples cease to be lovers and become roommates and business partners. Thus, you go any further down this road, make regular time to be together as a couple, and do things that are fun and refreshing.

Sometimes a genuine complaint can turn into a general criticism and if it evolves into a personality or character judgment, then the foundation of your marriage has started shaking up. If you are further putting one another down or constantly criticizing each other, you are no longer a good match. The worse condition is if you do not respect your partner anymore, then it is highly unlikely that you will love him or her again. It is therefore very important to respect your partner’s opinions and desires to keep your relationship going.

The continuation of your relationship depends partly on circumstances and mostly in your own hands. If you are convinced that you have committed a terrible mistake by getting married or being in a relationship, then let it go off. The above mentioned tips will help you figure out this.


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