The 6 health benefits of this plant are incredible

Bitter kola doesn't just only increase sex drive, it also improves the sexual performance of men who consume it.

It is said that the best medicines come with a bitter taste: Undeniably bitter kola is one of them. The usage of bitter kola is not limited to traditional activities alone. As a matter of fact, the fruit , seeds , nuts, and bark of the plant have been used for centuries in the folk medicine to treat ailments from cough to fever.

The bitter plant , which is believed to contain a high source of Vitamins and minerals such as Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, fiber , calcium , potassium , and iron, also carry anti-oxidants.

Owing to this, research was carried out by accredited institutions to find possible healing attributes of bitter kola. The results of the findings are not only amazing, they are incredible as well.

Here are some of the incredible health benefits of bitter kola:

1. It improves sexual impotence
Studies have shown that when it comes to improvement of sexual performance, especially among men, bitter kola is royalty. It just doesn't only increase sex drive, it also improves the sexual performance of men who consume it.

In other to be effective, it is advisable to chew the kola 2 minutes before intercourse. So you have it, improve your sexual performance in bed by chewing the kola.

2. Remedy for Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is the degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone that causes pains and stiffness, especially in the hip, knee, and thumb joints.

It is a common form of arthritis.

According to the National Institute of Health, the causes of osteoarthritis can include joint injury, obesity and aging.

However, research at the Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria tested the effects of bitter kola against arthritis symptoms and the result concludes that bitter kola significantly reduced inflammation and pain.It also increased joint movement in patients that had osteoarthritis symptoms.

3. It combats STDs 
Since the emergence of sexually transmitted diseases, noble scientists have been working day and night to bring lasting solution to the plague.

Although their battle may seem some what difficult as a result of the complicatedness of the disease, results have shown that the seed and leaf of bitter kola have antibacterial activity on clinical isolates of staphylococcus aureus,escherichia coli, salmonlla typhi and streptococcus pyrogens.

4. It improves the function of the lungs
The fibers and lung tissues are not only strengthened when bitter kola is consumed regularly in a considerate amount, it also stabilizes any other effect.

In addition, it helps the maintenance of good respiratory track as well as treating chest cold. Still wondering why some smokers move along with bitter kola?

5. It improves immune system 
Bitter kola has a large amount of antioxidant. This high amount of antioxidants found in bitter kola does not only help fight bacterial and other illness, it also helps the body to increase it's immunity levels. When the immunity level of one's body is increased it becomes so strong to fight against any foreign contaminant.

6. It is anti-malaria agent
 Studies have shown that chemical constituents in bitter kola have anti-malarial properties. This is why traditional healers have for many years prescribed bitter kola for the treatment of malaria infections. Additionally, the stem, bark, and seeds of bitter kola are used to treat acute fever.


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