5 Reasons Why Men Are Giant Babies in Relationships

I was reading the other day that there's a lot women can actually learn about men by observing toddlers.

That got me thinking: Are men really giant babies? Should we be walking around wearing diapers instead of Levi's? Should we be breast fed multiple times a day?

Well, may be not diapers, but most men have breast envy, so certainly they would be loved to be soothed by the boobs. Let's discuss 5 lessons women can learn about men through the way they raise toddlers.

1. When we get frustrated, whether it's while driving , trying to fix the Internet connection, not having our turn with the remote control, at some point we will like to use brute force to get things done our way. When that happens, what we really want is to be soothed like a little toddler. So the next time your man is having a toddler attack, walk  over to him with a little love. Sure enough, magically men calm down by a woman's touch.

2. When men want something, they want it, and they want it now. Just like a toddler. Put a man in hardware store, sporting goods store, or a car dealership. All of a sudden, he sees the shining tool or the brand new Mercedes and thinks to himself. I want that. Even if he can't afford it at that moment, it would stay in his mind. Men are toys-obsessed. So just like a little toddler, you need to take him by the hand and tell him that if he wants to get that toy, the new car he has to put in a little work, work harder so he can get it on a special day, maybe on his birthday. Your man needs you to help control his emotions like a toddler so he won't buy what he can not afford at that point in time.

3. Just like a toddler, a man sometimes needs a little help getting dressed. When your man leaves the house for work and he hasn't tucked the back of his shirt in, or he thinks he looks presentable going out to dinner in his old college sweatshirt and a ball cap, sometimes you need him by the hand, lay out the clothes he needs to wear, and help him put on him like a toddler. If a toddler dressed himself, he'd walk around with his shirt hanging over his head, a diaper half on,  and his shoes flopping all over the place.

4. Just like a toddler needs milk, men need their drinks.Whether it's beer, water, or Gatorade, when a man is craving a drink and doesn't have it, he starts getting grumpy and irritable. The next time your man needs a drink and he's getting irritated and short tempered, put his favorite drink in a glass, and hand it to him, watch his eyes light up and his temperament calm down.

5. Leave a man alone in the house for a weekend, and 48 hours later you come home and it looks like a bomb went off. Leave a toddler in a room, and 30 minutes later it looks like a bomb went off too. A man needs constant attention like a toddler, he needs discipline and needs to be told how the house is supposed to look when you get back. You have to teach your toddler man how to clean the room, because it's all about  repetition.

Queens, these are five lessons that you can learn from toddlers in order to keep your relationship running smoothly , to make your man feel loved and nurtured , and to make he feel good about doing the little things like cleaning up after himself. Just like a toddler, a man wants praise from his woman.


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