Life and it's Challenges

Life is designed for us to enjoy it to it's fullest and it's one of the greatest gift from God to mankind.He created us in his own image and gave us everything there is to life for us to enjoy, sometimes the gift of life is underrated and we feel it's our right to live..My brother, it's actually a privilege but nothing more.

Life comes with it's challenges and no matter how perfect you think people's life are, everyone is actually fighting an inner battle for survival. This defines the path that no one has a perfect life.  There are various challenges in life, just can't recounting them here and now. No matter what you are going through in life, always remember life comes in phases and sizes, and life just happens to us all. However, with the right mind-set, attitude these challenges can be overcomed.

What the mind can a concieve, it can achieve. Like we have no control over our choice of families we were born in, we have no control over our fate in life. It has been pre-destined by God. Challenges in life are like mock exams, if you don't pass them, it means you can't be considered fully prepared for the tast ahead. They prepare us for the triumps ahead.

Life and it's challenges, we just have to face, examine and find ways to overcoming them. I hope this piece encourages, strengthens some heart for the tast ahead.

By Gabriel Esemuede.


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